The Journal of Teaching in Social Work highlights the Grand Challenge to Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice for All in a Special Issue

Advancing Equal Opportunity and Justice for Latinix

“Preparing Bilingual, Bicultural Social Workers to Serve the Growing Latino Population in America” (2018) is a special issue of the Journal of Teaching in Social Work that responds to the Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice Grand Challenge.

One action in this GC area is to promote equal opportunity and justice for Latinx by facilitating the profession’s ability to produce culturally responsive social workers. This special issue, with an introduction by Rocío Calvo, PhD, Associate Professor in the Global Practice Concentration at Boston College School of Social Work, highlights initiatives across the country that are advancing this goal from an assets perspective.
(Access to the journal requires a subscription.)

Grand Challenges for Social Work Invites You to Go•Grander!