New! Grand Challenges for Social Work Invites You to Go•Grander

The Grand Challenges for Social Work (GCSW) is pleased to announce the launch of GoGrander, an exciting new campaign to think bigger and do more to solve some of society’s greatest challenges. To GoGrander, GCSW is turning to our community with an open call for proposals for new and innovative issue areas, development opportunities, and partnerships.

GoGrander is not just about new or more. It’s about going deeper on existing work, thinking innovatively about solving ongoing issues and challenges, and making a bigger impact on society.

It seeks to build on the past seven years’ successes and reinvigorate the initiative’s work to advance social progress. This next phase is an opportunity for new issue areas to become Grand Challenges, new working papers to expand the existing Grand Challenges, and new partners and stakeholders to engage with the initiative’s efforts in new ways. GoGrander includes thinking bigger within each Grand Challenge area by emphasizing intersectional approaches.

Be a part of GoGrander by connecting your work to ongoing Grand Challenge activities and efforts, or by submitting a proposal for new Grand Challenge activities, including working papers, working groups, sub-networks, and new Grand Challenges.

Learn more about GoGrander here and submit your proposal here!

Help us spread the word about this opportunity! View our Share Kit here or download it here.

Grand Challenges for Social Work Invites You to Go•Grander!