Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Social Work Education urges the field to integrate the Grand Challenges into Social Work Education.

Joanne Yaffe, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Social Work Education writes in her final editorial:

“If these initiatives are truly important to social work, they should be integrated into social work education, and social work educators ought to be attending to the specific competencies related to these initiatives in the Council on Social Work Education (2015) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Thus, my final challenge to my colleagues as outgoing editor-in-chief of JSWE is to work on the preceding issues: Articulate competencies, conceptualize curricula, and report on the outcomes of your efforts so that we can truly incorporate the GCSWs into social work education.”

Read the rest of her remarks.

Grand Challenges for Social Work Invites You to Go•Grander!