Reshaping the Future of Aging with Intergenerational Alliances

Join the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare on Feb. 27 for their next Grand Challenges event: Reshaping the Future of Aging with Intergenerational Alliances. Register here:

Alumni from the Sigler Aging Scholars program and leaders in aging services will join us for a conversation about social isolation and how social workers can forge connections that advance justice and well-being – at all ages.

1 CEU is available. Registration is free, and the event is online. Register here!

Speakers are:
Lindsay Huddlestun, Johnson County, KS Government
Dan Goodman, Kansas Advocates for Better Care (KABC)
Kelly G. Loeb, KU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Eric Sigler, Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care

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