Ensure Healthy Development for Youth: Working Committees

Four working committees work to identify, lead, and conduct tasks necessary to meet the goals and action steps identified in Unleashing the Power of Prevention. The Coalition needs your help! Please consider becoming involved in one of our four committees:

Expanding the Membership Base and Reach of the Coalition
J. David Hawkins, PhD, Chair, University of Washington

Workforce Development: Preparing Practitioners for Prevention
Kimberly Bender, PhD, Co-Chair, University of Denver
Valerie Shapiro, PhD, Co-Chair, University of California at Berkeley

Dissemination of Unleashing the Power of Prevention 
Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD, Chair, University of Denver

Securing Funding to Advance the Goals of Unleashing the Power of Prevention 
Richard Catalano, PhD. Chair, University of Washington

Grand Challenges for Social Work Invites You to Go•Grander!