Daniel Thursz Social Justice Lecture: Our World on Fire: Is there a Social Worker in the House?

Environmental (in)justice impacts people and communities locally and worldwide in all areas of our lives: health, housing, the economy, and wellbeing. How can social workers use our skills and our values to call out and address environmental (in)justices? This two-part presentation will include a lecture on environmental justice through the lens of social work followed by presentations and dialogue with community organizations and advocates working in Baltimore and the region around issues such as clean water, housing, food justice, and the incinerator campaign.

Lecturer: Dr. Lisa Reyes Mason, University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work – Co-Lead, Grand Challenge to Create Social Responses to a Changing Environment

Leanna Powell from Blue Water Baltimore
Dante Swinton from Clean Air Baltimore
Lee Jordan from Black Yield Institute
Ruth Ann Norten from Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
Shashawnda Campbell from South Baltimore Community Land Trust

Nicole Mattocks, PhD, MSW, Research Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Social Work will facilitate lecture the Q&A.
Lauren Brown, MSW/MPH Student, University of Maryland School of Social Work/Johns Hopkins University will facilitate the panel discussion.

Out Now: 2024 Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenges for Social Work!