GCSW Guiding Principles

We are pleased to share with you the “GCSW Vision, Mission, Domain, Guiding Principles, & Guideposts to Action.” This document, developed with input from the Grand Challenges community, is a guide for the Grand Challenges for Social Work as a national initiative, as well as for each of the 12 Grand Challenges. The commitment to ending racism and other injustices is fundamental throughout the Grand Challenges. We expect this to be a living document, with periodic revisions. Thank you to the committee for their efforts and to all of you who shared your ideas and comments.

Committee on Values and Principles of the Grand Challenges for Social Work (alphabetical order): Rick Barth, Sarah Gehlert, Sean Joe, Charles E. Lewis Jr., Angelo McClain, Trina Shanks, Michael Sherraden, Edwina Uehara and Karina L. Walters (Chair)


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